We have a tremendous amount of pride in the nutritious meals served from our kitchen that meets the nutritional needs and preferences of our residents. Dietary requirements are very important, and our two registered dietitians review what each resident needs for necessary nutrition, work with families and residents to tailor food choices to what each resident likes, and develop an individualized menu plan. Our dietitians and food service staff work to ensure residents are satisfied with their meals.
Food Service
Everything served at Beach Terrace is made from scratch. Fresh food is used — the food we serve was not previously frozen or pre-made. Some facility favorites are chicken cacciatore, meatball heroes and corned beef.
Beach Terrace has an active food committee that helps make meal plans, and since Beach Terrace serves such a wide range of patients, cultures and age groups, each patient population is asked for input on the menu items. Beach Terrace keeps a Kosher kitchen.
Special food events include barbecues, parties and candlelight dinners that include invitations and participation of family members.
Quote: “I started as a cook here at Beach Terrace 25 years ago and have always treated Beach like my second home. I have been the Director of Food Service for 8 years. My kitchen staff and I work with one thing in mind — that every meal is made from the heart.”
- George Martino, Director of Food Service